Welcome to Ozark Pie Company, where every slice tells a story.

We take pride in our roots.

At Ozark Pie Company, we go the extra mile by using only the finest locally sourced ingredients. By doing so, we not only ensure the highest quality of our products but also contribute to supporting local farms and businesses. When you savor a slice of our pie, you’re not just enjoying a delicious treat – you’re experiencing the essence of community and tradition. It’s a flavorful journey that connects you to the local farms, our family recipes, and the shared love for creating something truly special.

We take pride in tradition.

Our pies aren’t just baked, they’re crafted with a whole lot of love. Each flaky crust is rolled out with care. The fillings are made using only the finest locally sourced ingredients from nearby farms, ensuring that every bite is a celebration of local flavor. So, whether you’re indulging in a classic apple pie or savoring the rich creaminess of our chocolate chess pie, know that each bite is a celebration of tradition, family, and our community.

Welcome to a world where every pie is made from scratch, with love!

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